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Discover how to transform a Raspberry Pi 5 into a powerful network router using OpenWrt and VLAN configurations, while learning essential concepts about Router-on-a-Stick architecture for home networking.
Explore 3CX Free: Set up a cloud-based communication system with SIP protocol for calling, video conferencing, and chat. Learn to configure users, trunks, and integrate WhatsApp for enhanced business communication.
Learn to secure your network with OPNsense firewall rules. Master alias creation, NAT, ping and SSH rule setup, and live rule validation for enhanced network protection.
Learn to set up a network-wide VPN using OpenVPN and OpenWrt. Explore advantages over WireGuard, installation steps, and configuration tips for secure home networking.
Learn to protect your home network using OpenWrt firewall rules. Explore zones, chains, actions, and create custom rules to enhance security and control traffic on your router.
Aprenda a criar VLANs no firewall OPNsense para segmentar sua rede doméstica. Configure interfaces fÃsicas e virtuais para melhorar a segurança e organização da sua infraestrutura de rede.
Optimize VPN usage with split tunneling and policy-based routing on OpenWrt. Learn to selectively route traffic, enhance convenience, and maintain security across multiple VPNs and devices.
Build a custom travel router using OpenWrt and Raspberry Pi for improved performance over standard hotspots. Learn assembly, troubleshooting, and potential enhancements for a personalized mobile internet solution.
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