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Explore critical well-posedness for the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the line, focusing on recent advancements in resolving the problem in critical space.
Explore branching processes in random matrix theory and analytic number theory, focusing on limiting distributions, log-correlated phenomena, and recent conjectures about maxima of characteristic polynomials and L-functions.
Explore higher Auslander algebras, their construction methods, and connections to representation theory. Gain insights into recent developments and applications in algebra and representation theory.
Explore connections between cluster algebras, quantum affine algebras, imaginary modules, and representation theory of general linear groups over non-archimedean fields.
Explorez la catégorification des groupes quantiques aux racines de l'unité, en examinant les algèbres p-DG et les représentations catégoriques pour sl(2).
Traduisez les idées principales de la théorie des paragroupes d'Ocneanu en langage catégorique tensoriel. Explorez les liens entre catégories de fusion et sous-facteurs.
Explorez les développements récents dans la théorie des représentations géométriques, en se concentrant sur les tranches de Grassmanniennes affines de type Kac-Moody et leur construction via les branches de Coulomb.
Explore quantum analogues of differential operators on symmetric spaces, examining Capelli operators and their connection to Macdonald polynomials in representation theory.
Explorez les T-shifts sur les graphes plabiques réduits et les tissages légendrien pour interpréter topologiquement la structure de cluster des strates positroïdes du grassmannien.
Explore Newton-Okounkov bodies construction for line bundles on cluster variety minimal models, with applications to Grassmannians and flag varieties. Examine connections to representation theory polytopes.
Explore the deep locus of cluster varieties, focusing on finite types with full rank and specific infinite types. Gain insights into applications for homological mirror symmetry of Grassmannians.
Découvrez la construction explicite d'un plongement isométrique C^1 du disque de Poincaré, explorant ses propriétés surprenantes et son importance en géométrie hyperbolique.
Explore connections between symmetric group representations, rational Cherednik algebras, and parabolic Hilbert schemes. Gain insights into geometric constructions of irreducible modules using combinatorics and torus fixed points.
Explore Belavin-Drinfeld quantum groups, their deformations, and connections to semi-simple algebraic Poisson groups. Survey current knowledge, conjectures, and future research directions in this field.
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