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Explore advanced techniques for modeling chemical reactions in solution, focusing on explicit solvent interactions and their impact on transition metal complexes and catalysis.
Explore algorithms for constructing phase diagrams and predicting morphology in multicomponent liquid mixtures, with applications from industry to cellular biology.
Explore advanced modeling of solvated electrons using machine learning, overcoming challenges in accuracy and efficiency to study structure, dynamics, and properties across temperatures.
Explore a quantum algorithm for accelerating Metropolis sampling in multidimensional systems, leveraging wave function collapses for non-local configuration space moves.
Explore crystallographic analysis of lunar iron crystals, examining unique deltoidal icositetrahedron faceting and its implications for understanding crystal growth in the lunar environment.
Explore quantum information scrambling, its quantification through Lyapunov exponents, and the role of path integrals in understanding universal bounds on chaos in thermal quantum systems.
Explore quantum-mechanical and machine learning advances in molecular simulations, their potential impact, and challenges in achieving fully quantum dynamics of complex biomolecular systems.
Explore ab initio charge transport in ionic fluids, combining invariance principles and topological quantization to redefine oxidation numbers and electrical conductivity calculations.
Explore weak convergence in invertible coarse-graining, combining force-matching with neural networks to recover fine-grained free energy surfaces in biomolecular systems.
Explore efficient strategies for generating machine learned potentials to study reaction mechanisms in gas-phase and solution, achieving ab initio accuracy with minimal computational investment.
Explore collagen self-assembly prediction using amino acid sequences. Learn to design custom periodic collagen structures for novel biomimetic materials.
Explore wavepacket quantum dynamics of water-dimer, revisiting infrared spectrum in OH-stretch region and validating theoretical descriptions using accurate simulations on recent potential energy surfaces.
Explore ion effects on water structure and dynamics using neural network potentials trained on DFT predictions, overcoming limitations of conventional empirical models for electrolyte solutions.
Explore quantitative modeling of magnetic materials at atomic scale, focusing on atomistic spin dynamics and quantum thermostat implementation for accurate thermodynamic calculations.
Explore near-atomistic modeling of chromatin structure, folding pathways, and sol-gel transitions. Gain insights into genome organization and chromatin behavior under various conditions.
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