Game of Iron: Mining Microbial Coevolution for Ecological Phase Transitions
BPPB Seminar via YouTube
Iron is one of the limiting resources fo microbes
Pseudomonas: A model system for diverse siderophore-mediated interacti
From sequence to strategy: producers, cheaters, and strategies in between
Lock-key relationship between siderophore synthetase and receptors
Single-receptor producers: clear Lock- Key pair between Rec and Syn
Method: Mining coevolution for the iron-n
Experimental validation of the interactio prediction methods Sequenced and predicted iron
Model the evolution: two forces shapin the community Agent-based metapopulation model
Life finds a way: microbes actively exp the resource dimensions
A generalized "resource partition" model
Conditions for stable coexistence betwee sneaky producers
Ongoing: role of "cheating" in the community
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BPPB Seminar