Explore the latest features of ZBrush 2021.7.1 in this comprehensive live demonstration, focusing on creating a hard surface sci-fi spacecraft inspired by the Aliens Armored Personnel Carrier (APC). Follow along as Paul Gaboury guides you through the process of digital sculpting, from initial blueprints to intricate details. Learn techniques for creating accurate scale models, using bounding boxes, and implementing the Scale Master tool. Discover how to establish points of interest, manage relationships between elements, and craft complex structures like wheel wells and tire treads. Gain insights into efficient workflows for adding edge loops, rims, and other fine details that bring your 3D model to life.
Alien Blueprints
The Book
The Cube
The Floor Grid
bounding box
Scale Master
Point of Interest
Wheel Well
Delete Loops
Adding a Tire
Adding Edge Loops
Adding Rims
Adding Treads
Taught by
Pixologic ZBrush