Discover advanced image blending techniques in Photoshop without relying on channels, masks, or calculations. Learn how to effectively combine two images using blend modes, advanced blending options, and layer effects. Explore the differences between AI-generated and real lightning images, understand the nuances of Lighten and Screen blend modes, and master the use of Advanced Blending Options dialog. Gain insights on manipulating underlying and current layers, dropping out darkest colors, introducing fuzziness for gradual transitions, and forcing through lightest colors. Perfect your skills in creating editable blended effects and finessing luminance transitions for stunning visual results.
Introducing Advanced Blending
Firefly Lightning AI versus the Real Thing
Start with a Blend Mode
Lighten versus Screen
Bringing Up the Advanced Blending Options
Current Layer and Underlying Layer
Dropping Out the Darkest Colors
Introducing “Fuzziness” for Gradual Transitions
The Advanced Layer Effects Blending Badge
Forcing Through the Lightest Colors
Fading Luminance Transitions
Finessing an Editable Blended Effect
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