Objectives for this briefing
What is FIPS? Why is it important?
Challenges with FIPS 140-2 module validations
FIPS lab customer feedback hotline ...
How has CMVP coped with passage of time?
How have labs coped with challenges?
FIPS 140-3..... Vaporware?
March 22nd, 2019 - FIPS 140-3 officially signed!
NIST SP 800-140: Important Supplemental Docs (cont'd)
What happens to the "duct tape"?
New Terms: SSPS, CSPs and PSPs
New Terms: New Output Types Defined
New Terms: Vendor Testing, Low-Level Testing & EOL
The Diff: Dash-2 vs. Dash-3 Snapshot
The Diff: Those Dang Self-tests (continued)
The Diff: Roles, Services and Authentication
The Diff: Let's get physical (Physical Security)
The Diff: Software/Firmware and OS Security
The Diff: Actual Non-Invasive Security Requirements
The Diff: It's "Zeroisation", Not "Zeroization"!
FIPS 140-3 transition: Important dates
Apply: Can I achieve BOTH FIPS 140-2 and FIPS 140-3?
Apply: In closing, points to remember ...
Apply: How to stay in the loop?
Taught by
RSA Conference