Watch a 33-minute conference talk exploring the migration of Java EE/J2EE monoliths to AWS Lambda, with expert Adam Bien demonstrating practical serverless patterns and infrastructure as code approaches. Learn efficient packaging techniques for AWS Lambda applications, discover how to leverage Java's capabilities for reusing Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and CDK constructs, and understand the implementation of self-provisioned serverless applications. Dive into critical concepts including function granularity, distinctions between functions and microservices, synchronous function patterns, and optimal structuring of business and IaC code in Java applications. Experience code-focused demonstrations with live deployments that illustrate working practices and patterns in cloud-native Java development.
Java in the cloud
Cloud vs Premise
Serverless Architecture
Infrastructure as Code
Development in Production
No abstractions
Selfprovision projects
Native images
Monolithic Lambda
Serverless Archive
App as Function
Final Thoughts
Lambda and Serverless
Taught by
Adam Bien