Explore a technical conference talk from XDC 2023 that delves into the evolution of Linux DRM subsystem's display and graphic drivers, focusing on the transition from encoders to DRM bridges. Learn how the Linux DRM subsystem manages display resources through Kernel Mode Settings (KMS), and understand the limitations of traditional encoders when dealing with modern display solutions like Bridges, Converters, and Switches. Discover how Linux-v4.0's introduction of DRM bridge architecture provides a more flexible solution for handling complex display topologies. Examine a real-world case study involving Samsung DSIM IP implementation in Mainline Linux, which demonstrates the practical implications of moving from encoder-based to bridge-based approaches. Gain insights into how this architectural shift standardizes APIs and simplifies driver implementation for contemporary display solutions while maintaining compatibility with existing KMS pipelines.
XDC 2023 | October 18 | Linux DRM Bridge: A Potential Replacer for the DRM Encoder... | Jagan Teki
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X.Org Foundation