Learn how to write clean code with React Suspense and Error Boundaries in this comprehensive tutorial video. Explore the implementation of fallback loading state components and error handling to enhance your app's user experience. Dive into SWR data fetching, enable Suspense in SWR, and understand the importance of Error Boundaries. Follow along as the instructor guides you through installing react-error-boundary, adding Error Boundaries to your components, and refactoring your code for improved performance. Gain practical insights into creating more robust and user-friendly React applications while mastering advanced concepts like conditional rendering and component cleanup.
Starter Code & Start up
SWR Data Fetching
Enable Suspense in SWR
Conditional logic to replace
Adding React Suspense
PostsList component clean up
Why We Need Error Boundaries
Install react-error-boundary
Adding an Error Boundary
A Better Error Boundary
Reviewing the Refactor
Closing Notes
Taught by
Dave Gray