✔️ WordPress To ASP .NET Core and Core Basics in Visual Studio 2019.
✔️ ADO.NET CRUD Operations in ASP.NET CORE Application.
✔️ DAPPER CRUD Operations in ASP.NET CORE Application.
✔️ Entity Framework Core Code First CRUD Operations in ASP.NET CORE Application.
✔️ Entity Framework Core Database First CRUD Operations in ASP.NET CORE Application.
Setup ASP.NET Core Project with GitLab for WordPress Migration.
✔️ Identity in ASP.NET Core to Implement User Registration.
✔️ MySQL to SQL Server Database Migration.
✔️ Create Entity Model from WordPress Migrated Database in ASP.NET Core.
✔️ Migrate WordPress Framework theme in ASP.NET Core Project.
✔️ WordPress General Setting Page Developed in ASP.NET Core 2.2.
✔️ WordPress Navigation Sidebar Developed in ASP.NET Core 2.2 ViewComponent.
✔️ WordPress Add New Page Developed in ASP.NET Core 2.2.
✔️ WordPress Preview Image Option in Add New Page Developed in ASP.NET Core 2.2.
✔️ WordPress Page Listing Feature Developed in ASP.NET Core 2.2.
✔️ WordPress Post Category and Tags Developed in ASP.NET Core 2.2.
✔️ WordPress Post with Category and Tags Developed in ASP.NET Core 2.2.
✔️ WordPress Custom Client Side Theme Integrated in ASP.NET Core 2.2.
✔️ Integrate Post With Home Page in TEP WordPress to ASP.NET Core Project.
✔️ Integrate Post With Home Page in TEP WordPress to ASP.NET Core Project.
✔️ Integrate Post With Home Page in TEP WordPress to ASP.NET Core Project.
✔️ Integrate Post Description, Category & Tag With Home Page in TEP WordPress to ASP.NET Core.
✔️ Integrate Identity Management in TEP WordPress to ASP.NET Core.
✔️ WP to ASP.NET Core TEP Project Deployment on Azure WEB APP Service.
✔️ WP to ASP.NET Core TEP Project Enabled User Registration on Azure WEB APP Service.
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The Engineering Projects