intro and why choose WooCommerce.
explaining hosting, wordpress, woocommerce, and the internet.
hosting with bluehost.
saving more money with bluehost (secret discount).
wordpress dashboard tour.
getting a theme https://santrelmedia.com/astra.
getting elementor https://santrelmedia.com/elementor.
importing a starter template.
getting WooCommerce plugin.
setting up products.
adding a new product (different product types).
changing units and currency, setting up payments, and other WooCommerce settings.
Woocommerce analytics.
Coupons and discounts.
managing product library.
Variable Product.
Affiliate Product.
Digital downloadable product (PDF download).
Virtual product (e.g. logo making service).
adjusting permalinks and changing website name.
categories for posts.
page rearrangement in menu, getting WooCommerce default pages, and removing pages.
adding a new page.
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Santrel Media