Full stack CS
Scientific frontiers
Practical effects
Incentive alignment
Mission-critical for customers
Not the customers money
The high after success
Real-world magic
The people
Can you do science w/o helping warfare? 1 perceive myself as a scientist /engineer of sorts.
Example 1: Hardy's "A Mathematician's Apology"
Example 2: Social Anthropology
Claim: You can't control the use of knowledge The choice is not between peaceful" and "warlike science. For most of
Are better weapons bad?
My sabbatical experience (2015-2016)
offensive work
"For whom?" - you pick a side
2: Career paths with downsides
Everything is complicated
Economics cloud judgement it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. . People tend to pick their ideologies by function
Repetitive at max profit
Experts on obsolete tech
Missing a huge tech transform
The obituary test
Doing something else
Taught by