Explore a thought-provoking TEDx talk by Mario Postalov, a multifaceted artist and choreographer born in 1990 in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. Discover how Postalov's diverse background, including growing up in a small town with divorced parents, graduating from the National School for Arts in Pleven, and obtaining degrees in both Bulgarian Choreography and Law, shaped his unique perspective on life and career. Learn about his journey from traditional education to embracing dance and art as his primary focus, leading to a versatile professional life that defies simple categorization. Gain insights into Postalov's philosophy of pursuing multiple passions and how it contributes to his answer of "EVERYTHING" when asked about his occupation. This 17-minute talk, delivered at TEDxSamokov, challenges conventional notions of career paths and personal identity, encouraging viewers to embrace their multifaceted nature and diverse interests.
Why exactly me? | Mario Postalov | TEDxSamokov
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