Watch a thought-provoking 32-minute talk exploring the current limitations and future potential of AI agents. Delve into the challenges faced when building agents with today's frontier models, which despite showing superhuman capabilities in some areas, often struggle with basic logic and common sense reasoning. Learn why companies have shifted towards developing narrow, problem-specific agents rather than general-purpose solutions, and discover the practical workarounds involving glue code, heuristics, and prompt engineering. Gain insights from Dan Jeffries, President of Kentauros AI and former CIO of Stability AI, as he examines the roadblocks in agent development, potential solutions, and realistic timelines for achieving reliable open-ended task performance in real-world applications. Presented by MLOps.community, this presentation challenges popular assumptions about AGI while offering a pragmatic view of the current state and future trajectory of AI agent technology.
Why Agents Are Stupid & What We Can Do About It
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