Dive deep into the complexities of Kubernetes audit logging in this 56-minute webinar presented by Randy Abernethy, Managing Partner at RX-M. Explore the challenges faced by Kubernetes operators when implementing comprehensive, efficient, and secure auditing in complex environments. Learn about the intricacies of handling multiple API servers, mutating admission controller webhooks, aggregated APIs, webhook audit log backends, and massive API throughput requirements. Gain insights into audit basics, architecture, log structure, event field organization, and API server metrics. Discover strategies for addressing concerns related to mutating webhooks and managing high-volume audit data. Enhance your understanding of Kubernetes security and monitoring practices through this in-depth exploration of audit logging in real-world scenarios.
What is Audit
Audit Log
Audit Event
Field Organization
API Servers
Mutating Webhooks
API Server Metrics
Handling Massive Throughput
Taught by
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]