Explore a comprehensive feasibility study on Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) for renewable energy options in Arlington County, Virginia, presented by the Thriving Earth Exchange's Virginia Clean Energy project team. Delve into the environmental, economic, and financial benefits of CCA, along with governance and operational options. Examine findings on PJM pricing, unbundled and bundled renewables, Dominion Power's role, and regulatory structures. Learn about fixed price design, CCA limitations, electricity prices, and distribution and transmission considerations. Gain valuable insights for other groups interested in similar initiatives, and discover how to get involved with local energy communities. This informative webinar provides essential knowledge for those interested in advancing renewable energy priorities at the community level.
About Virginia Clean Energy
About the Study
Findings Conclusions
Environmental Benefits
Economic Benefits
Financial Benefits
Other Benefits
Governance Operational Options
commendation and next steps
PJM Pricing
Unbundled renewables
Bundled renewables
Dominion power
Regulatory structure
Fixed price design
CCA limitations
Electricity prices
Distribution and transmission
Advice for other groups
Why the study
Lean Energy
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