Explore groundbreaking research in multi-sensory mixed-reality interfaces during this keynote address from VRST 2021. Delve into innovative approaches for creating immersive visual, tactile, olfactory, and gustatory experiences without the need for wearable or head-mounted displays. Discover cutting-edge technologies such as fog screens, soap bubbles, and ultrasonic speaker arrays that enable mid-air displays and interactions. Learn about the development of acoustic phase-only holograms for object manipulation and tactile feedback. Gain insights into the future of walk-up-and-use mixed-reality experiences that embrace multiple sensory modalities, pushing the boundaries of human-computer interaction.
Multi-Sensory Mixed-Reality Interfaces for Immersive Experiences - Keynote
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) via YouTube
VRST 2021 Keynote by Sriram Subramanian and Diego Plasencia
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