Explore a 15-minute conference talk from USENIX ATC '21 that delves into RACE hashing, an innovative one-sided RDMA-Conscious Extendible hashing index designed for disaggregated memory scenarios. Learn about the challenges of traditional hashing indexes in disaggregated memory environments and how RACE hashing addresses these issues through lock-free remote concurrency control and efficient remote resizing. Discover how this approach enables efficient indexing services using only one-sided RDMA verbs without involving compute resources in the memory pool. Examine the performance benefits of RACE hashing compared to state-of-the-art distributed in-memory hashing indexes, as demonstrated through extensive experimental results using YCSB hybrid workloads. Gain insights into the architectural overview, one-sided RDMA-Conscious subtables, and the Stale-read Client Directory (SRCD) concept.
Disaggregated Memory
Hashing Indexes in Local Memory
Hashing Indexes in Disaggregated Men
Hash Collision
Challenge 3: Extendible Resizing
Challenge Summary
RDMA-Conscious Extendible (RACE) H
Architectural Overview
One-sided RDMA-Conscious (RAC) Subtabl
Lock-free Remote Concurrency Control
Extendible Remote Resizing
Experimental Setup
YCSB Hybrid Workloads
The Stale-read Client Directory (SRCD)
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