- Introduction
- Identity in the real world
- Identity with centralized identity
- Challenges today
- Me as my own identity provider
- Attestations from an issuer
- Trusts
- The need for proof
- How we prove things with computers
- How to know it’s the right public key for an entity
- Decentralized identifier DID
- Requirements for a DID
- Associating DID to public key
- Solution
- How do I rotate keys? DID document
- What is a DID and how is it working
- Methods
- What really matters!
- Why is the DID so ugly
- Verifiable credentials at last
- Issuer, holder and verifier all together
- Lets see this in action
- Using Microsoft Entra to issue and verify
- How to backup and recover if lose wallet
- Why do we care?
- Some considerations as responsibilities shift
- Closing thoughts
Taught by
John Savill's Technical Training