Next tiny ML Talks
Computing Hardware Has Been in Every Corner
Today's New Challenges
One Network Cannot work for All Platforms
Datasets/Applications, Hardware, and Neural Networks
Outline of Talk
AutoML: Neural Architecture Search (NAS)
AutoML: Differentiable Architecture Search
AutoML: Hardware-Aware NAS
AutoML: Network-FPGA Co-Design Using NAS
Two Paths from Cloud to Tiny ML
Motivation: Template Pool
Motivation: Heterogeneous ASICS
Problem Statement
ASICNAS Framework
ASICNAS: Controller and Selector
ASICNAS: Evaluator
Results: Design Space Exploration
Comparison Results on Multi-Dataset Workloads
Future Work: Network-CIM Co-Design to Resolve Memory Bot
Conclusion: Take Away (1)
Arm: The Software and Hardware Foundation for tiny
TinyML for all developers Dataset
Qeexo AutoML for.Embedded Al
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