Explore the groundbreaking world of AI-generated images from text in this 20-minute video. Delve into the capabilities of "DALL-E," a neural network trained to create and draw images based on text captions. Discover how this technology combines simple contexts, modifies objects, controls multiple elements simultaneously, and even changes perspectives. Compare DALL-E's outputs with Google Images, learn about 3D style modifications, and see how it generates 3D heads of well-known figures. Investigate applications in fashion design, X-ray vision simulations, and the creation of bizarre combinations. Gain insights into the future possibilities of AI in digital imaging and its potential impact on creative industries.
How it works?
Simple Context Combination
Modifying Objects
Complex Object Modification
Simultaneously Controlling Multiple Objects
Comparison with Google Images
Changing the Perspective
Modify the 3D Style of an Object
Generate a 3d Head of a Well-Known Figure
X-Ray Vision
Adding Actual Text in the Scene
Fashion Designing Applications
Bizzare Combinations
Taught by