Presentation Outline
What is the Moon made of?
Origin of mare names
Reflectance Spectroscopy
The Spectra of Rocks
Spectroscopy for chemistry
The Agents of Aging Space Weathering is the physical and chemical changes to the surface of a planetary body that lacks an atmosphere to protect it.
Impact craters expose underlying material
How I map mare basalts using "fresh crater probes"
Front side of Moon mapped
What are Lunar Squirrels?
What are Lunar Swirls?
Associated with magnetic anomalies The Moon does not have a global magnetic field
Impart no topography
Are bright & optically immature
Hypotheses for swirl formation
My contribution to understanding swirls 3 major results support the hypothesis that the magnetic field prevents the swirl surfaces from weathering at a normal rate
Distribution of fresh craters
Comparing on-swirl and off-swirl spectra
Compositions from fresh craters
Iron and ilmenite: Light suckers
The swirls stay dry
Summary & Conclusions
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College of Science and Engineering