The Road to Maven: Migrating Eclipse RCP Projects from P2 to Maven Dependencies
Eclipse Foundation via YouTube
Learn about migrating from P2 update sites to Maven repositories in this EclipseCon 2022 presentation by Gilles Iachelini and Christoph Laeubrich. Explore SBB's three-year journey transitioning from target platform-based P2 update sites to integrated m2e features for Maven artifacts. Discover practical solutions for handling dependencies in both OSGi and non-OSGi projects, including strategies for managing non-OSGi compliant jars and complex branching models. Master the implementation of Maven artifacts in target platforms through detailed examples covering simple dependencies, group dependencies, transitive dependencies, and OSGi metadata management. Gain valuable insights from real-world experience and learn step-by-step instructions for modern target platform management in Eclipse RCP development.
The Glory of Target Platform
Target Platform @5BB
What did we do @SBB?
The Target Location Extension Point
The Provisioners Extension Point
Add a simple dependency
Group dependencies
Add transitive dependencies
Adding missing OSGi metadata
Generate a feature for a location
What's missing?
M2Eclipse Maven Target Support
Taught by
Eclipse Foundation