The Problem of Governance in Distributed Ledger Technologies - Professor Vili Lehdonvirta, OII
Alan Turing Institute via YouTube
Explore the challenges of governance in distributed ledger technologies through this insightful 25-minute lecture by Professor Vili Lehdonvirta from the Oxford Internet Institute. Delve into economic organization, cooperation problems, and conventional solutions before examining the specific governance issues in distributed ledger technologies (DLTs). Analyze the Bitcoin protocol, its development process, mining pools, and the contentious block size debate. Gain a deeper understanding of the DLT governance paradox and its implications for the future of decentralized systems.
Economic Organization
The Problem of Cooperation
Conventional Solutions
Prisoners Dilemma
What is DLT
Rule systems
Bitcoin protocol
Bitcoin development
Bitcoin mining pools
Bitcoin core dev team
Block size debate
DLTS governance paradox
Taught by
Alan Turing Institute