Listen to a 31-minute podcast episode featuring a roundtable discussion on the present and future of stream processing. Explore emerging trends in data streaming technologies, novel use cases for Apache Kafka, and insights from industry conferences. Gain perspectives on the mainstream adoption of stream processing, the evolution of Kafka implementation, and the future of data mesh. Discover key features that have contributed to stream processing's growth, challenges in Kafka adoption, and potential innovations in the field. Learn about IoT projects and hear expert predictions for stream processing developments in the coming year.
- Intro
- What's it like being a program chair for conferences?
- What data streaming trends emerged from conferences this year?
- Is stream processing becoming mainstream?
- What KIP features have helped make stream processing more mainstream?
- Getting to stage two of Kafka adoption
- The future of data mesh
- IoT projects
- What innovations in stream processing do you hope to see in 2023?
- It's a wrap!
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