The Past, Present, and Future of Kubernetes on Raspberry Pi
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube
Why do it?
My demo rig
The past - my first blog
The past - my first cluster Docker Article in Linux magazine
k3s - "1.5GB less memory than kubeadm"* K3S
k3s - 3 is less than 8
The past - journey of evolution
Bill of Materials
Build your own: spare parts Raid your parts box
Build your own: on a budget (recommended)
Build your own: space conscious
Build your own: best in class
Open source tools for RPi clusters
Install k3s over SSH
Install CLIS and Helm charts
Deploy functions & microservices
Demo - public function with CI
The future: managed cloud
The future ARM in the datacentre Equinix Metal (Packet)
The future - Compiling Go for ARM
The future - Docker and ARM docker build build
Wrapping up
Taught by
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]