Explore the intriguing world of Carl Linnaeus's household in this 49-minute lecture by Annika Windahl Ponten. Delve into the formation of the Linnaeus family when Carl married Sara Elisabeth Moreae and moved to their house in Uppsala's botanical garden. Discover how this semi-public space served as a hub for lectures, colleague visits, and housing collections, playing a crucial role in Linnaeus's famous work and achievements. Examine the family's position within Uppsala's academic elite, focusing on the social skills and material possessions required to maintain their status. Learn about the household's performative practices, self-presentation, and identity formation through clothing, hosting dinners, and coffee receptions. Gain insights into Linnaeus's lectures on dietetics and how they incorporated examples from household practices. Presented by Dr. Annika Windahl Ponten, a PhD in History of Ideas and Science from Uppsala University, this lecture offers a fascinating glimpse into the personal and professional life of one of history's most renowned naturalists.
The Linnaeus Household: Identity and Materiality | Annika Windahl Ponten
Taught by
Linnean Society