Embark on a captivating journey through the life of professional dancer Rita Rossi in this TEDxFrutillar talk. Explore pivotal moments that shaped her career, from her first stage appearance at age 6 in Rieti, Italy, to her 12-year tenure with the Chilean National Ballet. Discover the importance of parental support in nurturing dreams as Rossi encourages parents to become "ember blowers" for their children's aspirations. Gain insights from her 17-year experience between Santiago and southern Chile, and her current role as Director of Dance at the Teatro del Lago School of the Arts. This 14-minute presentation offers a unique perspective on the pursuit of passion and the power of dreams from an Italian-Chilean artist who has graced stages in Italy, France, and Chile.
“The Duty of Dreaming” | Rita Rossi | TEDxFrutillar
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