The Changing Nature of Cartoons in America - New Yorker's Evolution in Humor and Style
The Aspen Institute via YouTube
Explore the evolution of American cartoons in this insightful conversation between New Yorker Cartoon Editor Emma Allen and Artnet News National Art Critic Ben Davis. Delve into the significant changes in cartooning and humor over the past century, from shifts in taste and style to adapting to the fast-paced news cycle. Discover how Allen has introduced diverse voices to The New Yorker since becoming its fourth cartoon editor in 2017. Examine the challenges and competition within the industry, the impact of audience feedback, and the role of political cartoons. Gain valuable insights into keeping the art form alive and relevant in today's media landscape. This McCloskey Speaker Series presentation offers a comprehensive look at the changing nature of cartoons in America, touching on topics such as New Yorker tropes, diversity in the industry, and the influence of publications like The New York Times.
Emma Allen
The New Yorker
New Yorker tropes
Finding new voices
Diversity in the industry
Competition in the industry
How has the news cycle affected comedy
Audience feedback
Keeping the art form alive
Political cartoons
The New York Times
Taught by
The Aspen Institute