Explore the global obesity epidemic and its far-reaching implications in this 59-minute lecture by Ross Hammond from the Santa Fe Institute. Delve into the alarming trends of obesity rates in the US and worldwide, examining how they have doubled since the 1980s and their impact on public health, including increased morbidity and mortality rates for major diseases. Investigate the economic consequences of obesity, including its significant contribution to healthcare costs. Understand the complexity of obesity as a multifaceted problem involving various interconnected factors across different scales and throughout the lifecourse. Learn about the limitations of traditional research methods and interventions in addressing this complex issue. Discover why experts are advocating for a "systems approach" and the use of complexity science modeling tools to tackle obesity more effectively. Gain insights from the presenter's research and involvement in Institute of Medicine/National Academy of Sciences studies and the National Institutes of Health Envision project, exploring promising approaches for obesity prevention science and policy.
The Challenge of Obesity, and a Systems Approach to Solutions
Taught by
Santa Fe Institute