Explore a thought-provoking documentary and discussion that follows an evangelical minister's journey challenging the relationship between pro-gun and pro-life stances in America. Delve into Reverend Rob Schenck's courageous decision to address gun violence, his meeting with Lucy McBath, mother of Jordan Davis, and the complex interplay between religious beliefs and political affiliations. Gain insights from speakers Abigail Disney, Lucia McBath, and Rob Schenck, moderated by Marie Nelson, as they examine the potential for evolving opinions and finding common ground on contentious issues. Discover how personal stories, faith, and social responsibility intersect in this 37-minute film and discussion presented by The Aspen Institute.
A Gift to Rob
Sharing the Conversation
Finding Purpose
Becoming a Leader
The Cost
Putting on the Armor of Light
The Heart of Man
Privilege and Fear
Whats Next
Taught by
The Aspen Institute