Brief note
Overview of the Bow River Basin
Why did the flood happen?
The impact of the jet stream
The field sketch....
Cougar Creek - Canmore
Debris flow on an alluvial fan
Debris flows and floods in Canmore
Lost highways
Impact in Calgary
Typical challenges Calgary faced
From the air - June 22d 2013 (unseen footage)
Wildlife & the Zoo
Background information - terms
Crevasse splay deposits
Crevasse splay case study - Inglewood
Creating braid bars (2)
Flooded point bars
River bend erosion
Effect of river scour
Sedimentological summary
Comparison with historical floods
Flood data from other Southern Alberta rivers
The next Calgary flood?
How to prevent it happening again?
Dry dams and tunnels
Ongoing monitoring
Taught by
Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology