Taking Care of Your Hands and Face: Stretches and Assistive Devices for Scleroderma - Dr. Janet Poole
National Scleroderma Foundation via YouTube
General Guidelines for Stretching Exercises (range of motion) •Heat and massage can be done before exercises to warm up tissues
Modalities to Help Manage Pain and Increase Joint Motion
Heat/Hot Packs
Paraffin Wax
Range of Motion Exercises for Flexion
Range of Motion Exercises for PIP Joints
Ideas for More Severe Finger Contractures
Exercises to help spread fingers (stretch web spaces between fingers)
Exercises for the Thumb
Exercises for the Wrists
Thumb abduction
Exercises for other upper extremity joints
Face and Temporomandibular Joint Exercises
Massage or Heat
Mouth and Face Exercises
Mouth Stretching Exercises (Naylor et al., 1984)
Mouth Opening Exercisers and Splints
How to monitor mouth opening (why is this important?)
Assistive/Adapted Devices
Dressing devices
Key holders
Jar and Can Openers
Dexterity Exercises
PROTECTION: Management of Raynaud's Phenomenon
More Ideas for Raynaud's
Possible "Warm" Car Solutions
Protection of Ulcers During ADLs
Other Ideas to Protect Finger Ulcers
Protection of the Hand/Ulcers during keyboarding
Avoid Static Positioning Causing Potential Compression
Taught by
National Scleroderma Foundation