Learn Swift programming in this comprehensive tutorial video. Cover a wide range of topics including data types, control flow, functions, object-oriented programming, and more. Start with basic concepts like variables and casting, then progress to advanced topics such as protocols, extensions, and generics. Practice coding along with provided examples to reinforce learning. Gain a solid foundation in Swift syntax and programming concepts in just over an hour.
Data Types .
Casting .
Math .
If .
Ternary Operator .
Switch .
Range .
Arrays .
Dictionaries .
Tuples .
For .
For In .
While .
Do While .
Functions .
Variadic Parameters .
Pointers / InOut .
Return Multiple Variables .
Returning Functions .
Inner Functions .
Closures .
Structs .
Computed Properties .
Static .
Classes / Objects .
Init .
Overloaded Methods .
Inheritance .
Override Methods .
Final .
Super .
Dynamic Typing .
Protocol / Interfaces .
Extensions .
Generics .
Enums .
Taught by
Derek Banas