Dive into a detailed analysis of Swamp Thing issue 21, focusing on the groundbreaking "Anatomy Lesson" storyline crafted by Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette, and John Totleben. Explore how this pivotal issue revolutionized the character and set a new standard for comic book storytelling. Examine the intricate artwork, innovative narrative techniques, and profound themes that made this issue a landmark in the history of graphic novels. Gain insights into the creative process behind this iconic work and its lasting impact on the comic book industry.
Moore, Bissette, and Totleben Dissect Swamp Thing in The Anatomy Lesson
Cartoonist Kayfabe via YouTube
Swamp Thing 21 - Moore, Bissette, and Totleben DISSECT Swamp Thing in The ANATOMY LESSON!
Taught by
Cartoonist Kayfabe