Explore the world of unconventional murder weapons in this 22-minute video from Wondrium. Delve into notorious cases where everyday items like broken bottles, antifreeze, and insulin became tools for homicide. Examine the evolving field of forensics as experts work to solve crimes involving these unusual weapons. Learn about the Strange Case of Elizabeth Barlow, the role of intimate acquaintances in murder, and the infamous Claus von Bülow insulin case. Discover the dangers lurking in common eyedrops and investigate the high-profile radiation poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko. Gain insights into the challenges faced by forensic experts in unraveling these complex cases and the questions that continue to surround some of history's most bizarre murders.
The Strange Case of Elizabeth Barlow
The Role of Intimate Acquaintances in Murder
Claus von Bülow and Murder by Insulin
A Dangerous Ingredient Found in Eyedrops
Alexander Litvinenko and Radiation Poisoning
Questions Surrounding Litvinenko's Death
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