Learn to implement low power modes in battery-operated devices through a hands-on workshop focusing on STMicroelectronics' STM32U0 ultra-low-power MCUs. Explore practical demonstrations of energy-saving techniques using the Arm Cortex®-M0+ powered platform, which targets SESIP Level 3, PSA-Certified Level 1, and NIST certifications. Master project setup, code analysis, debugging sessions, and implementation of various low power modes using tools like Nucleo-U083RC board, STM32U083C-DK board, and STLINK-V3PWR. Work with essential firmware tools including STM32CubeMX, STM32CubeIDE, STM32U0 Cube library, and STM32Cube Monitor Power while leveraging the STM32 Ecosystem's libraries and middleware for efficient development. Gain hands-on experience in optimizing battery life and reducing BOM costs through high-level integration, ultimately accelerating time to market for entry-level devices.
Intro to the session
project opening
code analysis
build and start debug session
STLink v3_PWR
low power modes one by one
Taught by