Watch a 22-minute conference talk from Dyalog '24 exploring the development of static analysis tools for APL programming language. Discover how static analysis can enhance code verification and provide confidence about bugs, policy, and security in APL codebases. Learn about the unique challenges of implementing static analysis in an interpreted language like APL, and follow the development of a proof-of-concept tool using the Co-dfns interpreter. Explore the architecture of static analyzers, discuss usability considerations, and understand approaches to handling dynamic code and enforcing constraints in APL codebases. Gain insights into practical questions about APL code verification and the incremental development path for static analysis tools. Access accompanying presentation materials in both Prezi and PDF formats for a deeper understanding of the concepts covered.
What tools for APL development would make my life easier?
Static analysis can provide confidence about bugs, policy and security
A static analyser in brief
What makes static analysis difficult in APL?
Initial targets for incremental development
Architecture of a static analyser
Open questions about usability
Development path
How should we handle dynamic code?
Enforcing constraints and limiting behaviour in code bases
Questions you might have about your own APL code
Taught by
Dyalog User Meetings