- Introduction: What you are going to learn
- Starting a new project
- Creating Resistor Symbol
- Creating LED Symbol
- Creating Connector Symbol
- Creating Through hole pad
- Creating SMD pad
- Creating VIA
- Creating Resistor Footprint
- Creating Footprint for LED
- Creating Connector Footprint
- Assign footprints to symbols
- Placing components and Drawing Schematic
- Annotating Schematic
- How to update symbol ans sync schematic
- Generating Netlist
- Starting New PCB
- Placing components in PCB
- Creating Board Outline
- Setting up Rules
- Doing Layout
- Adding Text
- Moving tracks and placing components on the bottom layer
- Working with Layers and Views
- How to sync changes in PADs and Footprints with PCB
- Adjusting LED Footprint
- Checking DRC and Generating Gerbers
- Generating Drill File
- Printing Layers
- Generating BOM, Printing Schematic
Taught by
Robert Feranec
4.2 rating, based on 12 Class Central reviews
It's was recommended course for beginners to learn about PCB using ORCAD and Cadence Allegro software from Schematic to Gerber files creation which gives good immense knowledge on the basics.
yeah but it is basic course.I need advance. your explanation is good and rules making is not understand properly
I really enjoyed the online course. I thought it was well planned and layed out, easy for me to follow. The work load(h.w. & test)was just enough, so i could finish everything with enough time, learn about the topics and not feel over loaded and rushed.
This is a well covered course with good explanation and good english, one can follow with no rush. On the demerit it needs alittle bit of more explanation especially at the beginning on all software and tools to be used.
It's very helpful and very nice . it is really simple and easy to understanding . these tools and software is easy to install and very helpful to pcb design for us.
It is a useful course I learnt a lot of knowledge from the course and it is very useful to all to complete within a short span and helpful for all the students 🙂
Good its a very interesting topic and enjoy while learning it thank you so much for giving this platform do that we kearn this course easily and freely
This course very useful for beginners I know about the sequence of operation in those softwares. It has right things to make a pcb design in real life.
This course very useful for pcb design like as how to design layout of the pcb and the how to design in pcb like resister etc.
I am very interested to learn pcb design
Thankyou for helping me to learn
Now I am clear in pcb design -
Yeah it was good nd easy to understand! Clearly explained how to make a pcb and how to choose the components
the crouse is really help full to me.
I really learn lot of thinks form it.
thank you to teaching me.