- Intro
- Pi and Octopus LEDs, connections, and SD card slots
- Software used to easily install Klipper
- A bit about the SD cards
- Cutting Belts
- Belting A Complete
- Raspberry Pi Imager
- Brief on Angry IP Scanner
- Brief on WinSCP
- Brief on PuTTy
- Notepad++
- MainsailOS is on the SD card and ready
- SD card into Raspberry Pi to Load MainsailOS
- CMD to run a ping to the Pi and see it come up
- Mainsail is running! Web GUI up
- Angry IP Scanner in use to find an IP address of a device on the network
- SSH in to the Pi using PuTTY
- Makemenu on the Pi
- Makemenu settings for Octopus MCU
- Compile Klipper Firmware
- Rename the Klipper.bin to firmware.bin
- WinSCP to transfer the klipper firmware
- Install Klipper firmware on the Octopus controller
- printer.config - How to
- Update serial device in printer.cfg
- Setting up printer.cfg for your specific printer 300mm
- MCU Shutdown! This Thermals and such
- Overview of the Mainsail interface
- Wrap-up and final thoughts about Klipper and Mainsail
Taught by
Build It Basement