Explore the concept of "Time Well Spent" in this thought-provoking Stanford seminar featuring Tristan Harris. Delve into the ethics of technology design, the attention economy, and the impact of persuasive technology on society. Examine the role of AI, the challenges of the extractive economy, and the cultural acceptance of attention-capturing technologies. Learn about Harris' experiences at Google and the Persuasive Technology Lab, and discover potential solutions for creating more ethical digital environments. Gain insights into applying ethical frameworks to technology development and addressing the challenges posed by advertising in the digital age.
The Persuasive Technology Lab
Doubt Club
Capturing Attention
Adding AI
AI is not neutral
AIs goal
Exponential impact
Runaway AI
Extractive Economy
The Attention Economy
Cultural Acceptance
The Golden Rule
What Should We Do
Applying Ethical Frameworks
The Challenge of Advertising
Taught by
Stanford Online