Explore the fascinating world of online communities as model systems for commons governance in this Stanford seminar featuring Dr. Seth Frey from UC Davis. Delve into how the Internet has become a laboratory for self-governance experimentation, empowering people to build diverse communities and overcome challenges in resource management and goal achievement. Examine three large platforms for small self-governing online communities, investigating institutional processes at the population level through the lens of common-pool resource management and institutional analysis. Gain insights into the design and functioning of millions of transparent online communities. Learn from Dr. Frey's expertise in computational social science, complex systems, and the cognitive science of strategic behavior as he discusses his research on self-governance and emergent institutional phenomena. Discover how this seminar contributes to the broader understanding of citizen participation in large-scale democracies and the potential lessons drawn from small-scale online governance experiments.
Stanford Seminar - Online communities as model systems for commons governance
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Stanford Online