Stanford Seminar - New Golden Age for Computer Architecture - John Hennessy
Stanford University via YouTube
IBM Compatibility Problem in Early 1960s By early 1960's, IBM had 4 incompatible lines of computers!.
Microprogramming in IBM 360 Model.
IC Technology, Microcode, and CISC.
Microprocessor Evolution • Rapid progress in 1970s, fueled by advances in MOS technology, imitated minicomputers and mainframe ISAS Microprocessor Wers' compete by adding instructions (easy for microcode). justified given assembly language programming • Intel APX 432: Most ambitious 1970s micro, started in 1975.
Analyzing Microcoded Machines 1980s.
From CISC to RISC . Use RAM for instruction cache of user-visible instructions.
Berkeley & Stanford RISC Chips.
"Iron Law" of Processor Performance: How RISC can win.
CISC vs. RISC Today.
From RISC to Intel/HP Itanium, EPIC IA-64.
VLIW Issues and an "EPIC Failure".
Fundamental Changes in Technology.
End of Growth of Single Program Speed?.
Moore's Law Slowdown in Intel Processors.
Technology & Power: Dennard Scaling.
Sorry State of Security.
Example of Current State of the Art: x86 . 40+ years of interfaces leading to attack vectors · e.g., Intel Management Engine (ME) processor . Runs firmware management system more privileged than system SW.
What Opportunities Left?.
What's the opportunity? Matrix Multiply: relative speedup to a Python version (18 core Intel).
Domain Specific Architectures (DSAs) • Achieve higher efficiency by tailoring the architecture to characteristics of the domain • Not one application, but a domain of applications.
Why DSAs Can Win (no magic) Tailor the Architecture to the Domain • More effective parallelism for a specific domain.
Domain Specific Languages.
Deep learning is causing a machine learning revolution.
Tensor Processing Unit v1.
TPU: High-level Chip Architecture.
Perf/Watt TPU vs CPU & GPU.
Concluding Remarks.
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