Stanford CS229 - Machine Learning Full Course Taught by Andrew Ng - Autumn 2018
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Stanford CS229: Machine Learning Course, Lecture 1 - Andrew Ng (Autumn 2018).
Stanford CS229: Machine Learning - Linear Regression and Gradient Descent | Lecture 2 (Autumn 2018).
Locally Weighted & Logistic Regression | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning - Lecture 3 (Autumn 2018).
Lecture 4 - Perceptron & Generalized Linear Model | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning (Autumn 2018).
Lecture 5 - GDA & Naive Bayes | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning Andrew Ng (Autumn 2018).
Lecture 6 - Support Vector Machines | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning Andrew Ng (Autumn 2018).
Lecture 7 - Kernels | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning Andrew Ng (Autumn 2018).
Lecture 8 - Data Splits, Models & Cross-Validation | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning (Autumn 2018).
Lecture 9 - Approx/Estimation Error & ERM | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning (Autumn 2018).
Lecture 10 - Decision Trees and Ensemble Methods | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning (Autumn 2018).
Lecture 11 - Introduction to Neural Networks | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning (Autumn 2018).
Lecture 12 - Backprop & Improving Neural Networks | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning (Autumn 2018).
Lecture 13 - Debugging ML Models and Error Analysis | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning (Autumn 2018).
Lecture 14 - Expectation-Maximization Algorithms | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning (Autumn 2018).
Lecture 15 - EM Algorithm & Factor Analysis | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning Andrew Ng -Autumn2018.
Lecture 16 - Independent Component Analysis & RL | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning (Autumn 2018).
Lecture 17 - MDPs & Value/Policy Iteration | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning Andrew Ng (Autumn2018).
Lecture 18 - Continous State MDP & Model Simulation | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning (Autumn 2018).
Lecture 19 - Reward Model & Linear Dynamical System | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning (Autumn 2018).
RL Debugging and Diagnostics | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning Andrew Ng - Lecture 20 (Autumn 2018).
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