- Intro.
- Spring Initializr.
- IntelliJ and AWS SDK.
- AWS Credentials.
- Amazon S3 Client.
- Creating S3 Bucket.
- Saving files to S3 Bucket Implementation.
- User Profile Model.
- Create in-memory Database .
- API & Service Layer Implementation.
- Upload Image API.
- Check list to upload images (logic).
- Facebook Create React App.
- React Components and Axios.
- Rendering User Profile.
- React Dropzone.
- Pexels.
- UI Logic to send files to backend.
- Increate servlet max file size.
- Exercise.
- Lets implement uploadUserProfileImage().
- Lets test things.
- Set user profile image link.
- Lets implement downloadImages().
- Implement download images on frontend.
- Final touches.
- Lets wrap it up.
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