Explore innovative Halo-based techniques for highlighting off-screen points of interest in handheld augmented reality environments. Delve into the Halo3D technique, which displays off-screen POIs as arcs along screen edges, reducing clutter through aggregation. Examine the results of two experiments comparing Halo3D to other methods like AroundPlot* and Arrow2D, revealing improved speed, reduced intrusiveness, and enhanced understanding of off-screen environments. Learn about variants that effectively show spatial distribution of POI clusters, requiring less effort for users to navigate AR spaces. Gain insights from this 20-minute conference talk presented at the 2019 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces in Daejeon, South Korea.
Spotlight on Off-Screen Points of Interest in Handheld Augmented Reality - Halo-based Techniques
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) via YouTube
Spotlight on Off-Screen Points of Interest in Handheld Augmented Reality: Halo-based techniques
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