Explore the relevance of penetration testing in modern cybersecurity through this 45-minute conference talk from BSides Columbus Ohio 2015. Delve into the speaker's background in both DoD and private sector security, examining the goals and effectiveness of pen testing. Learn about PCI DSS requirements, the definition of a good pen test, and gain insights into an ideal penetration testing approach. Discover the speaker's current perspective on the role of pen testing in today's security landscape.
DoD Background
Private Sector
Security Strategist & Evangelist
The Best Pen Test of Your Life
What's the Point?
What is the goal of a Pen Test?
A Good Pen Test Has "PWNAGE!"
My PCI Customers
The PCI DSS Framework
"New" PCI Pen Testing Requirement
PCI DSS Definition of a Pen Test
Why Pen Test Anyway? What is the Point?
The Goals of Penetration Testing
My Ideal Pen Test
Where my head is today