Solving Quadratics and Cubics Approximately - Real Numbers and Limits - Math Foundations 85
Insights into Mathematics via YouTube
Explore the intricacies of solving quadratic and cubic equations in this 36-minute lecture from the MathFoundations series. Delve into the historical context of these formulas, tracing their origins back to 16th-century mathematicians. Examine the limitations of standard formulas in generating exact solutions and discover how Newton's method can be applied to find approximate solutions. Learn to create quadratic and cubic equations with known solutions, apply the quadratic formula, and understand the connection between algebraic equations and Newton's method. Gain insights into the logical challenges present in modern pure mathematics through this comprehensive exploration of fundamental mathematical concepts.
Intro to quadratic and cubic equations
Making a quadratic equation with solutions
Solving the quadratic equation
Using quadratic formula
Cubic equation
Creating a cubic equation with solutions
How Newton's method tackles the same cubic equation
Newton's method and algebraic curves
Taught by
Insights into Mathematics