Software - Mathematica, MATLAB, Aspen Plus
University of Colorado Boulder via YouTube
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Creating Interactive Simulations in Mathematica.
Non-Linear Regression in Mathematica.
Numerically Solve ODEs with Mathematica 1.
Numerically Solve ODEs with Mathematica 2.
Plot Equations with Mathematica.
Basic Functions in MATLAB.
Introduction to MATLAB.
MATLAB Files and Functions.
MATLAB Solver Functions.
MATLAB Solvers.
Programming Structures in MATLAB.
Introduction to Aspen Plus: Choosing a Property Method.
Introduction to Aspen Plus: Building a Flow Sheet.
Introduction to Aspen Plus: Data Input & Running the Simulation.
Introduction to Aspen Plus: Convergence & Presentation of Results.
Introduction to Aspen Plus: Chlorobenzene Plant.
Aspen Plus: Reactor Types.
Aspen Plus: Reactor Example Problem.
Aspen Plus - Reactors: Chlorobenzene Plant.
Aspen Plus: Flash Separators.
Aspen Plus: DSTWU.
Aspen Plus: RadFrac.
Aspen Plus - Separators: Chlorobenzene Plant.
Aspen Plus: Shortcut Heat Exchanger Method.
Aspen Plus: Detailed Heat Exchanger Method.
Aspen Plus: Double Heater Method.
Aspen Plus - Heat Exchangers: Chlorobenzene Plant.
Aspen Plus: Pumps.
Apsen Plus: Compressors.
Aspen Plus: Pipes.
Aspen Plus: Valves.
Aspen Plus - Pressure Changers: Chlorobenzene Plant.
Aspen Plus: Chlorobenzene Plant.
Aspen Plus: Chlorobenzene Plant Cost.
Non-linear Regression for Kinetic Data.
Non-linear Regression for Kinetic Data Using POLYMATH.
Linear Regression for Kinetic Data.
Linear Regression for Kinetic Data Using POLYMATH.
Determining Michaelis-Menten Kinetics Parameters Using Nonlinear Regression.
Nonlinear Regression to Determine Michaelis-Menten Kinetics Parameters Using POLYMATH.
Determine Activation Energy Using Nonlinear Regression with POLYMATH.
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